- tech
- 安装PGI workstation 版本
- Install PPTP VPN On Centos 7
- git 笔记
- tecplot scripts
- vim tips
- Linux 基础
- imageMagic tips
- Hybrid structured/unstructured meshing with Gmsh
- OpenFOAM funkySetFields
- vim code highliter for OpenFOAM
- OpenFOAM foamCalc and foamCalcEx
- CentOS OpenFOAM openmpi set up
- gmsh Extrude a plane suface with holes
- gmsh-Flow past circular cylinder, unstructure mesh
- Block structured 2D gmsh .geo file for flow past a cylinder
- 通天塔
- gnuplot notes
- Bash 中的数学计算
- Bash 中的数组
- samba Windows映射多个网络磁盘
- Fortran 随机数
- Fortran 函数指针
- Fortran 计时函数
- Tmux 使用
- Fortran 内建函数
- jekyll tweak
- Linux
- github 多个账号
- jekyll 功能测试
- life
- 坚持
- Hello! 2015
- I need rest
- RGD29西安-华山
- 太容易掉进坑了
- kuoyan
- Some research groups in micro and rarefied gas flow
- 需要关注的杂志
- OpenFOAM stabilise function
- OpenFOAM parallel technique
- OpenFOAM function objects
- dugksFoam - 快完工了
- OpenFOAM 自定义边界条件类型
- 电子书下载网站
- Research
- dsmcFoam solver 分析